Background & Introduction

Universities are increasingly regarded as playing a broader role than fulfilling the responsibility of educating youth and developing knowledge. The rapidly changing environment that universities operate in requires institutions to engage more in contributing to the betterment of society through the integration of social responsibility into institutional management, teaching, research, services and public activities. University Social Responsibility (USR) extends the traditional mission of universities in an endeavour to develop solutions for economic, social, and environmental problems in society.

Based on the belief that universities have obligation to work together to address the economic, social, cultural and environmental challenges in the world and to find solutions so as to make our world more just, inclusive, peaceful and sustainable, the University Social Responsibility Network (USRN) was established in 2015, bringing together a group of thought leaders to exchange ideas, resources, practices of varied scope and scale to steer global discussion and development of USR in higher education.  

Currently, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University serves as the Chair of the USRN Executive Committee and hosts the Network Secretariat.

Our Logo

The USRN logo symbolizes the concerted global efforts to build a dynamic and refreshing world for the coming generations. The open sphere resembles not only the letter “U” for the University, but also a growing young bud.

Visual Identity