Professor Ben Young

Professor Ben Young

Professor Ben Young is Vice President (Student and Global Affairs) and Chair Professor of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, overseeing the institutional policies and plans related to student development and culture promotion as well as the global engagement endeavours in educational initiatives involving the establishment of partnership with leading universities and strategic partners in overseas countries. He is an advisory member of the American Institute of Steel Construction for the Committee on Structural Stainless Steel. He served as a panel member for the Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) 2014 in the Built Environment Panel under the University Grants Committee, Hong Kong. Professor Young is currently a Co-Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Constructional Steel Research, ELSEVIER. He has published over 600 international journal and conference papers, of which over 300 are SCI indexed journal papers. He has an h-index of 51 in Scopus. Professor Young received the Shortridge Hardesty Award for his research contributions to the stability design of cold-formed steel and stainless steel structures given by the American Society of Civil Engineers in 2020.